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Prev: 3.7.1 - The Spyce scheduler Up: 3.7 - Server utilities Next: 3.8 - Modules

3.7.2. spyceUtil

Most of the spyceUtil module is interesting only to internal operations, but several functions are more generally applicable:

  • url2file( url, relativeto=None )
    Returns the filesystem path of the file represented by url, relative to a given path. For example, url2file('/index.spy') or url2file('img/header.png', request.filename()).
  • exceptionString( )
    Every python programmer writes this eventually: returns a string containing the description and stacktrace for the most recent exception.

Prev: 3.7.1 - The Spyce scheduler Up: 3.7 - Server utilities Next: 3.8 - Modules

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